Admission rules
Entry to KAU school is by “Enrollment interview”.
Enrollment is made based on the results of the interview. When receiving grades below “C”, the candidate is recommended to prepare and go through the Enrollment one more time.
The planning and organization of the educational process are carried out in accordance with the academic calendar approved by the school director for the corresponding academic year.
The timetable will indicate the daily number, duration and sequence of training sessions. The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes. School lessons begin at 8:30 am.
1st grade – enrollment
Primary school (2-4) - Math, Kazakh, Russian languages
Secondary and high schools (5-11) - English, Kazakh, Russian languages and Math.
Academic year (grades 2-11) consista of 34 weeks (excluding vacation period)
Academic term
Autumn term (I, II quarter) - 16 weeks.
· On the 10th and 16th week, knowledge testing – SAS and SAQ;
7 days autumn vacation,
· 10 days winter vacation.
Spring term(III, VI quarter) - 18 weeks.
On the 26th and 34th week of the knowledge test - SAS and SAQ;,
· 11 days spring vacation.
Education from the 7th grade is carried out in 2 areas: natural-mathematical and social-humanitarian. After grade 6, students and parents are given a choice of direction. In the natural-mathematical classes, it is offered to study additional hours of mathematics and programming, in the social and humanitarian classes, the main subjects are taught in English (enrollment in the number of students in this class is made on a competitive basis).
The main document for identifying missing student classes is a class journal. The management of the school together with the curators of the classes carry out a monthly record of students’ attendance. School teachers are responsible for the timely registration of student attendance in journals.
Students stay at school from 8.30 to 16.30 (Mon-Fri), 4 meals a day are provided, self-study at school, school transport, round-the-clock security, medical monitoring of the health and nutrition of students, a high professional level of teacher training.
Tuition fee for the 2024-2025 academic year
The cost of education at the KAU School is 3 150 000 tenge per year or 350,000 tenge per month.
The amount of a one-time entrance fee is 180,000 tenge.
The cost of training includes:
- obligatory state program
- additional education (circles)
- four meals a day
- doing homework
The KAU school has transportation for children with all the conditions for comfort.
The cost of delivery is 45 000 tenge per month.
Tuition discounts
The following discounts are available to KAU School entrants and students:
- 5% discount for one academic year with 100% payment for one academic year.
- 7% discount for each student for members of one family of the first degree of kinship, for each child (brothers/sisters of students).
KAU School Limited Liability Partnership
BIN 230540010212
Address: Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Bostandyk district,
Toraigyrov street, 43, postal code 050043
Bank details:
JSC Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan
IIC KZ79601A861016604781 – KZT
IIK KZ03601A861016604791 – RUB
IIC KZ24601A861016604801 – USD
Director: Sabirdinova Sabina Adilkhankyzy (acts on the basis of the Charter)