Сабирдинова Сабина Әділханқызы

English teacher, Master of Business Administration

Урисбаева Бакбала Надирбековна

Deputy Director for SD, English teacher

Рахимгалиева Айгерім Мирасовна

Deputy Director for VR, teacher of Kazakh language and literature, Master of Social Sciences

Нурахметова Арайлым Ержановна

Deputy Director for NMR, Computer Science teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Мукашева Айнагуль


Тураева Азиза Фуркатовна


Жубаньязова Жазира Махмутовна


Teaching staff

The teaching staff of KAU School differs from other schools in that it is one of the most stable and high-class among other private schools in Almaty. Our teachers are carriers of the quality of theoretical training and from year to year with great pleasure reveal the opportunities and talents of children at the KAU school.

Methodical association of teachers of the natural - mathematical cycle

Бактыбекова Аита Нурлыбековна

Head of the Ministry of Defense, physics teacher, Master’s degree

Салтыбаев Арсен Демосфенович

Biology teacher, Candidate of Biological Sciences

Грачева Светлана Семеновна

Teacher of Algebra and Geometry, Ph.D.

Ыстықұл Қарагөз Әбубәкірқызы

Geography teacher, PhD

Омаров Серикбай

Geography teacher

Кыстаубаева Нуржамал Умиртаевна

Chemistry teacher, Master of Technical Sciences

Мещерякова Татьяна Алексеевна

Computer Science teacher

Балтагулова Салтанат Ахметовна

Teacher of algebra and geometry

Цвяк Татьяна Геннадьевна

Primary school teacher

Имашев Даулет Серикович

Computer Science teacher

Джаманкозова Билимкан Курмангаджиевна

Speech therapist, Master of Social Sciences

The entire teaching staff

Methodological Association of Philology

Аскарова Гульзада Байсариновна

Head of the Ministry of Defense, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature

Курсабаева Жанар Багадатовна

History teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Аликулова Айнагуль Бикеновна

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Урисбаева Бакбала Надирбековна

English Teacher

Мизимбаев Талгат Сарсенбекович

History teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Жингиш Серикгул

Teacher of Kazakh language and literature

Дюсебаева Анель Ертелеуовна

Teacher of Kazakh language and literature, Master’s degree

Таурбаева Айнур Кабидоллаевна

Teacher of Kazakh language and literature

Карипова Анар Зариповна

Teacher of Kazakh language and literature

Коксегенова Айнаш Маукеновна

Teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher

Намысбаева Жанат Жусупбековна

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Абдуллина Светлана Арслановна

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Оразбаева Эльмира Сериккановна

Teacher of Kazakh language and literature, Master of Pedagogy

Залгараева Гулзира Айдынбаевна

English teacher

Нурлыбаева Акмарал Мухтаровна

English teacher,
Master’s degree

Абдрасилова Корлан Жакыповна

English teacher, Master of Education

Рахимгалиева Айгерим Мирасовна

Kazakh language teacher

Керимбаева Раушан Аскарбековна

English teacher

Қожағұлова Балжан Қожағұлқызы

Teacher of English, Master of Humanities

Раисов Даулет

History teacher, Master of Humanities

Methodical association of primary classes

Атабаева Менгуль Шаймерденовна

Head of the Ministry of Defense, primary school teacher

Атабаева Медине Тимурболатовна

Primary school teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Орынбекова Разия Темиргалиевна

Primary school teacher

Юсуфова Зейнеп Юсуфовна

Primary school teacher

Кисетова Мадина Каныбековна

Primary school teacher

Раимбекова Гульнара Кобековна

Primary school teacher

Шунгилова Асем Кенесжановна

Primary school teacher

Сеитова Дина Шамбаевна

Primary school teacher

Акешеева-Маткеримова Амина Абилдаевна

Primary school teacher

Кабланова Аселя Бауыржановна

Primary school teacher

Адылбекова Халида Садриевна

Primary school teacher

Мухамеджанова Айгерим Жоламановна

Primary school teacher

Темирханова Роза Рашидовна

Primary school teacher

Усабекова Ляззат Каныбековна

Primary school teacher

Methodical association of primary classes

Капанова Алина Болатовна

Head of MO, music teacher

Веселая Лариса Анатольевна

Physical education teacher

Мамбетбаева Асия Нурмолдаевна

ISO teacher, Master of Education

Батаева Назым Алмасовна

Choreography teacher

Акбанов Абубакир Кадырович

NVP Teacher

Бекмамбетов Тимур Алтынбекулы

Physical education teacher

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